Nipsey Hussle Gets His Own Wax Figure In Museum

The late, great rapper Nipsey Hussle has been immortalized in wax, as an artist named Mr. Officials inspiration. The realism captured is absolutely astonishing, as the detail with blow you away.
Mr. Officials shared video of the new wax figure on Instagram, with the piece going nearly viral for looking exactly like Nipsey himself was standing behind him. According to Mr. Officials post, the process took him nine months to complete.
“Watch me make the first ever life size Nipsey Hussle wax figure,” the artist captioned his post. “This statue actually took about 9 months to create. After 9 long months the birthing of a legend is now revealed! Tag and share with a Nip fan. Let me know what you think. Video shot by @varrstudios #nipseyhussle #nipseyhusslefans #themarathoncontinues.”
This is just one small part of the many tributes that Nipsey has had since his passing. Hip Hop connosseur and NBA future Hall Of Famer, Lebron James has joined in and revealed his multi-media company SpringHill has officially partnered with Marathon Films, the late rapper’s production company, for a docuseries based all on Nipsey's life.
The docu-series will follow Nipsey’s story from his early days as a kid growing up in California to the acclaimed musician and activist he’s known as today.